The illegal copy product knowing, also the action which purchase is crime too.
The copy item is just cheapness and is sufficient ones which is imitates & duplicates surface form of the products. Therefore these commodities in the quality efficiency aspect it is inferior much in comparison with the original.
Especially, it could discover many copy products in the Asian region. But, already can the copy product discover anywhere in the world. The wise consumer like you should note in order not to purchase the copy product by mistake, sufficiently.
Because the copy products is not purchased
By comparison with the products picture which has been published to J'S RACING web site before the purchase. Purchasing not to make a mistake in the proper item, in order to receive, at the authorized distributors which is linked we recommend that it is purchased from J'S RACING web site.
Feature of the copy item "TYPE-JS" and so on does not have the inscription, "J'S RACING" in trade name, there are also times when it is the products which J'S RACING has not sold.
It is proper, but as for this corporation there are no times when all support is done in regard to the illegitimate copy products.
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